Part Time Field Trainer (Internal Applicants Only) - FitzRoy

Part Time Field Trainer (Internal Applicants Only)

Vacancy Expired

Salary: £32,308 per annum FTE
Location: South
Expiry date: 20/01/2025

The L&D team have a fantastic internal opportunity and are looking for an experienced operations trainer in the South Region who has the qualities to become a permanent part time Field Trainer (7.5 hours pw). This position is to train at Central Support only to train Proact scipr and Emergency First Aid at Work. Applicants who are already trained and delivering one of these courses will be given preference for interview.

The successful person must have:

  • At least 2 years challenging behaviour support experience (preferably at FitzRoy)
  • Driving licence and car to travel if needed with training equipment
  • Good internet signal at home and a quiet area that could be an office for them without distractions if needed
  • IT competent and confident (able to use Teams, use a laptop, mouse and keyboard with minimal instruction)
  • Good absence record and no live disciplinary warnings
  • Good physical health to be able to lift and carry resus dummies, training equipment and be able to demonstrate PROACT SCIPr interventions and CPR when needed
  • Great skills:
    • People skills – able to talk to people from many backgrounds and experiences well
    • Communication skills – able to put across ideas, explain things clearly and listen to and answer questions in a way that can be understood easily
    • Voice projection – able to train a group of people face to face and be heard
    • Energy – able to stand up in a room and deliver a day’s training course with enthusiasm, energy and engagement
    • Accuracy for recording training attendance
    • Reliability
    • Personal Confidence
    • Patience

In return we offer full, accredited training, shadowing to gain confidence and the opportunity to do something completely different to your current role.

We welcome applications from all current Fitzroy employees and agency workers.