Staff survey results – FitzRoy’s response
A huge thank you to everyone who completed our staff survey earlier this year. With over 1,000 surveys returned, the results really give us an accurate insight into the opinions and experiences of our colleagues across the organisation.
We used the survey results to identify the areas where we are doing well.
We were delighted to score higher than other social care providers on how staff feel about working for FitzRoy:
84% saying they’re proud to work at FitzRoy
91% of staff said they were given the training needed to do their job effectively
94% of staff feel they make an impact through the work they do.
We also identified where we need to improve to make FitzRoy an even better place to work.
The key areas where we needed to make improvements are:
- Ensuring staff feel confident to report concerns
- Visible leadership that understands our staff
- Improved IT systems and information sharing
We’re serious about getting this right
We have been transparent with our staff, sharing the results with everyone across FitzRoy. We reached out to hear suggestions and gather feedback on how we could improve and received pages and pages of ideas as colleagues came together to look at how we could be better.
Executive Directors and Senior Leadership Team reviewed every piece of feedback and committed to the actions FitzRoy will be taking to improve each area.
Our Commitment to our staff
Feeling confident to report concerns
It’s crucial that all staff feel confident to report concerns, whether whistleblowing or reporting harassment, so we’ve made it easier to report concerns anonymously. Posters, links, and QR codes have been shared with all staff to enable them to report an incident confidentially.
We have taken on board our colleagues’ feedback and updated our whistleblowing and harassment policies.
We’ve improved the support we provide to people who speak up, to ensure they are supported and feel better informed about any actions we take as a result of their report. Sometimes concerns involve conflicts between colleagues, so we’re rolling out conflict management training for managers to help resolve issues in their team quickly.
Visible leadership that understands our staff
We’ve heard that it is important to all staff that they are seen and heard by the leaders of the organisation. The Executive Directors and Senior Leadership Team have committed to visiting every one of our 100+ care homes, day centres and supported living services between them and meeting with staff and the people we support.
We will be launching opportunities for colleagues to put questions directly to the Executive Directors and Senior Leadership Team.
We know how important it is that all leaders at FitzRoy live and breathe the FitzRoy values, just as our support staff do every day. As well as continuing with our leadership training for new managers and deputies, we’re creating guidance to ensure our leaders not only lead by example in living the FitzRoy values, but also know exactly how best to support their teams to achieve the best for the people we support.
IT systems and information sharing
We’re investing in replacing outdated equipment and updating processes to help make life easier, as well as ensuring staff can access training, advice, and support easily.
Our intranet, the Hub, will be overhauled, making it easier to find what you need, and out-of-date information and documents will be removed.
Our Wi-Fi analysis will continue into 2025 to ensure speeds at all of our services are fit for purpose.
We recognise that there are some gaps in operating some of the new systems we have implemented, so we’re busy working away behind the scenes to improve our training and support with these.
Our IT team will be attending regional team meetings to ensure greater two-way communication about IT, our software, and devices.