In memory donations - FitzRoy

In memory donations

A memorial page is also a simple way for you, or anyone who may wish to, to make a gift in memory of a loved one.

FitzRoy supporter Audrey Harris recently took to the skies – at the age of 86 – in a daredevil tribute to her daughter Angie and to fundraise for FitzRoy.

Lady in red jumpsuit stood on top of an orange biplane about to do a wing walk

Angie’s story

Angie was expected to live about five years, she never walked, and only spoke a few words – but died aged 55 having brought happiness and smiles to me, her two sisters, and many others, having lived a full life thanks to FitzRoy. We invited donations for FitzRoy at Angie’s celebratory funeral as well as at the Thanksgiving service of her aunty, but I wanted to do something more. With my family spurring me on, I had the idea of doing a sponsored wing walk. We hoped to raise £2,000, but I’m delighted that we’ve reached over £4,000, which is just wonderful.

Giving in memory 

Service manager Karen was there to cheer Audrey on.

We are so grateful to Mrs Harris for deciding to do a wing walk to fundraise for us as well as honour Angie’s memory. We’re planning to use the money she raised to get some lovely sensory things for our residents, which seems a very fitting tribute to Angie as she really loved sensory experiences and playing instruments.

Just Giving Memorial

To set up a memorial page, please visit our Just Giving page below. Once you have created your page it can be personalised with memories and pictures of your loved one to create a wonderful online celebration of their life.
Just Giving In Memoriam