Thank you to our incredible staff - FitzRoy

Thank you to our incredible staff

Author: FitzRoy
Published: August 16, 2021

Our staff have faced the most difficult challenges over the past year and a half. They have worked together tirelessly and bravely to ensure the people we support are kept safe.

Without our incredible staff, we couldn’t have got to where we are today. Together we are stronger.

On Friday 17 September, we are taking a moment to recognise the outstanding work of our support teams and say thank you. As we get nearer to the day, we want to share some of the most creative, impactful and inspiring stories from across our services where staff have gone above and beyond. Have a read, and if you would like to join us in sharing a message of thanks for our staff, you can email

Our staff see the person in everything we do

Our staff put the people we support at the forefront of everything we do. Recently, Jamie – who we support in his own flat in Nottingham – helped out with interviews for potential staff. Deputy manager Nicola said: “On the day, Jamie came in suited and booted with his five questions prepared which were all brilliant. He asked ‘how is your timekeeping’ and ‘are you reliable’, which really helped the interview. I think it is so important that we involve the people we support in our interviews so people can have a better understanding of what we do.”

Our staff are fundraising champions

Not only do our staff go above and beyond in their work, but they continue to amaze us with their enthusiasm and commitment to fundraising. The team at Boldshave Oast care home in Kent are getting ready for their skydive later in August. Deputy manager Michael said: “I feel this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I’m a bit of an adrenaline junkie but I’m also quite scared of heights, so I definitely feel I’ll be conquering a fear whilst having so much fun.”

At Donec Mews, Hampshire, support worker Veronica is preparing for her first ever wing walk. She said: “I’ve always wanted to do a wing walk, and after hearing I could do one while raising money for FitzRoy all I could say was ‘sign me up’!”

Our staff are creative

Our staff are incredible at thinking of new and creative ways of enabling the people we support to be as independent as possible. In Nottingham, staff created Tony his very own catalogue to help him choose his new mobility car. With the help of images so Tony could pick the make, model and colour he wanted, Tony is now the proud owner of a red VW T-Roc.

At Jellicoe Court, Hampshire, staff used easy reads to help Aaron understand the process of a covid swab test to reduce his anxiety. FitzRoy’s practice development lead, Elaine, said: “I gave Aaron information on swab testing and then let him process the information for five minutes, then when I came back and asked him if it was all okay. He said ‘yes good thank you buddy’, which is what he says when he understands and is okay with something.”

Our staff are dedicated

Our staff are dedicated to transforming lives. Recently, Debbie celebrated 50 years of working at FitzRoy’s first ever care home – Donec Mews. Debbie met both our founder, Elizabeth FitzRoy, and cared for her son, Michael. Debbie said: “It’s hard to put into words what has motivated me to stay at FitzRoy for 50 years. I love working with the people we support, it really is all down to them. The connection you make with them and the difference you are making is the real delight of the job.”

Our staff are brave

Staff across the country have had to be incredibly brave during some daunting times in the height of the pandemic. At our Suffolk service Lethrede, staff moved into the service over Christmas and New Year to protect the people we support when we had a coronavirus outbreak.

Senior support worker Egnes said: “Until some of my colleagues tested positive, coronavirus had been a ‘farfetched issue’, it quickly hit me very hard that this ‘farfetched issue’ was right at our doorstep. Suddenly, all I had been reading or hearing about coronavirus felt very real. When my manager Harry asked ‘who is going to be in isolating with the people we support’ I jumped into action because I realised that my loyalty, commitment, values and beliefs were being put to test more than they ever have been.

“It was really important for us to look out for one another, to respect, communicate and to admit when you’re struggling and realise it is not a weakness to do so. This isolation made me realise the importance of one another at work and this brought me closer to my colleagues because we were in it together and survived together.”