What’s it really like to work for FitzRoy?
With 100 services supporting around 1,000 people across England, it’s the people in Team FitzRoy who make it all happen. As a values-driven organisation, the people we support are at the heart of everything we do at FitzRoy – and you’ll hear that message at every level and in every corner of the organisation. But what’s it like to be part of the team making it all possible?
Service Manager Eleanor Brailsford joined in May 2023 to run three services in Nottingham and shares her insights into what it’s like to become part of the FitzRoy team. She says: “The training when you join FitzRoy is brilliant compared with all the other organisations I’ve worked at. The new starter programme is comprehensive, and the trainers are amazing. They really keep you engaged and focused, even during remote sessions.”
Amy Pickering manages a number of supported living and support at home services in Nottingham, having joined the team in November 2022. She gives her thoughts on starting at FitzRoy: “The training here is brilliant compared with the last organisation I worked for. It’s much more thorough, and interesting too – the trainers are great.”
Eleanor says: “It’s been so refreshing to join the team and discover that FitzRoy really does care about staff – the ad was true! I’ve found every department very helpful, from the training team through to IT and everyone in the central support team. It’s no hollow promise about putting the people we support first either – they really are at the centre of everything we do.”
Amy adds: “I really noticed the atmosphere when I joined FitzRoy. There’s no hierarchy and everyone is so supportive and approachable – you can talk to anyone, in any department, right through to upper management. Working here has had such a positive impact on how I feel about my work and my self-confidence – I can hardly believe how much it’s grown in just eight months. In fact, it feels like I’ve been here much longer than that, in a really good way!”
While any role in social care comes with its challenges, it can also be hugely rewarding. Amy says: “For me, the best part of the job is helping other people realise their own abilities and strengths. Watching people develop and knowing that you’ve been part of making that happen is such a brilliant feeling. As a manager, that’s just as true for staff as it is for the people we support – I think it’s so valuable to celebrate everyone’s progress and achievements. I know having such a supportive manager myself has made a world of difference to me since I joined the team last year.”
Eleanor adds: “I really like that FitzRoy as an organisation is just as proud of the achievements of the people we support as those of us supporting them day to day are. It’s so nice to have a central place where we can celebrate their successes and recognise how much hard work has gone into that from the support team as well as the person themselves.
“For me, it’s the people we support who really make the job. Getting to know them, their likes and dislikes, and hear them tell you about the things they’re proud of is what makes it all so worthwhile.”
When asked what they would say to anyone considering joining the FitzRoy team, Amy and Eleanor are in agreement: “Just do it – you won’t regret it! It’s a really happy place to be, with an amazing team rapport.”
East Midlands Regional Manager Kimberley Cockram says:
We have lots of exciting developments happening in Nottingham – and with each new service, we need more people to join the team. We’re all about proactiveness, creativity, active support, and pushing boundaries of their everyday living to give the people we support a more empowered life. So, if this sounds like the kind of inspiring environment you want to be part of and you live in Nottingham and are considering a new challenge, why not check out our vacancies now?
You can check out our current vacancies here.
FitzRoy services include support at home, supported living, care homes, and day services. We also have services which specialise in mental health support and programmes for recovery from substance and/or alcohol misuse. Find out more about our services here.