A medication review can change a life - FitzRoy

A medication review can change a life

Published: October 20, 2017

On a mission to help people we support help themselves, a Fitzroy Deputy Manager, Jackie, recently helped transform a gentleman’s life. She took the time to work with him and review his medication. A big fan of the campaign STOMP, run by the NHS, to stop the overmedication of people with learning disabilities, helped her focus on reviewing the medication of all the people she supports. In particular, she noticed that the medication this one gentleman was taking for anxiety and depression hadn’t changed for a year. She supported him to book in with his GP, and request a review with his psychiatrist.

I felt possibly he was taking too much and it could be stopping him from doing things, or improving. The psychiatrist reviewed it and agreed that it was time to change. Since the reduction, we’ve all noticed a positive change in him. He is getting out and about more and seems brighter in himself. It is vital to constantly review these things and support people to talk to their GPs, or other health workers where necessary.