Anna Galliford, FitzRoy’s Chief Executive, announces her retirement
After 20 years with FitzRoy, and over 15 years at the helm of the charity, Anna Galliford has announced her plans to retire in July. Anna has guided FitzRoy through some of the most turbulent times in social care with exception skill and dedication.
Her commitment to transforming the lives of people with learning disabilities, autism, and mental health needs has been uncompromising. Anna’s inspirational leadership has embedded “see the person” at the heart of FitzRoy and her steadfast commitment to our values always shines through in everything she does. Her departure will be keenly felt across FitzRoy, as well as the wider social care sector.
Andrew is supported by our Norfolk day service, The Maltings, and was very sad to hear the news of Anna’s retirement. He said: “We are all sad to let her go but as a member of The Maltings I’m really sad. I want to say thank you to Anna Galliford for being our Chief Executive and I’d like to give her an award for the best CEO of 2024. I’d say to Anna that she is brilliant and thank you for all that you have done. Enjoy yourself, rest, and have fun with your family in your retirement.”
During her tenure as Chief Executive, Anna has expertly led FitzRoy through significant change and been instrumental in our growth from an income of £10m to £60m. When Anna joined FitzRoy, we had 400 staff and 20 services – twenty years on, we now employ 1,800 staff and support 900 people across 110 locations.
Stephen, who is supported by FitzRoy in Birmingham, has known Anna for many years and interviewed her for the Chief Executive role. When he heard she was retiring, he said: “I’m going to miss her a lot and I’d like to tell her not to leave. Next time I see her I’m going to play her a song called ‘Don’t go,’ because we’ll all really miss her. I think I should be the next Chief Executive though!”
Anna said: “It’s with a great deal of sadness that I’ve made the decision to retire. I’ve really loved my job, and that shows in my 20 years with FitzRoy. It’s the people who make the place, and at FitzRoy that’s both the people we support and the staff who go above and beyond every single day. Every time I’ve seen Stephen since he interviewed me, he’s told me, ‘I gave you your job!’ which never fails to make me smile and always focuses me back to what really matters.”
There have been many big moments during my time at FitzRoy – such as seeing our founder John Williams receive a lifetime achievement award – but it’s countless small moments that will really stick with me. I remember seeing one of the people we support having the confidence to go to that awards ceremony – in a room full of hundreds of strangers – and dance the night away, having an incredible time. Transformations like that are what makes working for FitzRoy so worthwhile, and why this was such a difficult decision for me. I know that I leave the charity with a brilliant team, supporting amazing people, and I will look forward to celebrating all their successes from the sidelines in the future.
Martin Kyndt, FitzRoy’s Chair of Trustees, said: “As a Board, we were hugely saddened to receive Anna’s news, but there is much to thank Anna for and lots of wonderful memories to reflect on and celebrate. Anna’s outstanding contribution over 20 years of service has made a real and lasting difference in the lives of so many. The quality of her caring leadership is an inspiration to all our staff.
“I know I speak for the whole of the Board of Trustees and the Executive team in saying that Anna will be missed a great deal. We would like to offer Anna our sincere gratitude for all she has achieved and the exceptional contribution she has made to FitzRoy.”
Anna will leave shortly after we launch our new three-year strategy, which will build on her incredible legacy and ensure we continue to deliver the best possible support for people with learning disabilities, autism, and mental health needs. Our new strategy will cement FitzRoy’s position as a thriving, values-driven care provider which sees each person we support for who they are – just as our founders dared to imagine over 60 years ago.