Cooking up a storm - FitzRoy

Cooking up a storm

Published: April 5, 2019
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When photos of Trafford Day Service’s delicious looking filo pastry pie began circulating on social media we thought it was time to find out how they cook such mouthwatering masterpieces…

Chris Hughes, Service Manager at FitzRoy Trafford Day and Community Service, told us:

“We run a range of activities from IT to cycling, but the cooking sessions are our most popular. We run five a week and they’re always full. We have a great training kitchen with lots of accessible, adapted equipment including a rise and fall hob, a level access oven, a talking measuring jug and smart plugs so equipment like the blender can be operated remotely. The group plan what they’re cooking the following week, write up the ingredients, check the cupboards to see what they need and go shopping. At least once a week, they go to our allotment to harvest fruit or veg that we need or want to use up.

“The cooking classes encourage people to try new things, lots of our members live on their own and might cook the same meal every day. Our cooking class gives them the chance to expand their diet and build on the range of foods that they will eat. Everything they cook they get to take home.”

Support worker Jean Rydings joined FitzRoy after a career in catering. Jean said:

“Our members are learning really important skills to help them live independently and encourage healthy eating. They learn how to prepare vegetables and a favourite activity is chopping. They love going up to our allotment to harvest produce. One of our members is very anxious and he loves the activity at the allotment, all that digging and watering really calms him.”

For people with learning disabilities, gaining essential skills to increase their independence is at the heart of what FitzRoy do. Our day services play a key role in enabling us to reach adults with learning disabilities and autism in the community.

Jean adds:

I absolutely love my job, I’ve been working here for almost nine years and wish I’d done this years sooner. I get a lot more job satisfaction, and we have so much fun. The members and staff are a joy to be around. I have learned so much about life since I came here, and I am in my 60s. I love it. the management are so supportive and there is always someone there to help if you need it.