FitzRoy’s first regional forum kicks off - FitzRoy

FitzRoy’s first regional forum kicks off

Published: September 13, 2024

Last week, the first of our new regional forums for people we support took place in Norfolk . 22 people we support came along with their support staff for the forum, where they had their voices heard, caught up with their friends, and had the chance to meet new people.

FitzRoy exists because of the powerful voice of a mother more than 60 years ago, determined to change the expectations that people with learning disabilities should be isolated from society and living in institutions. We value the experiences of the people we support and their families, their insight and hopes shape how we work and is a key part of our three-year strategy.

With more than 50 attendees at their last meeting, and Nationwide members on the panel for the recruitment of our new Chief Executive, our Nationwide lived experience forum has been the backbone of our insight into the needs and wants of the people we support.

Nationwide members wanted more regional opportunities for people we support to meet up, so we were delighted to kick off our regional forums in Norfolk last week.

Nationwide decided on the agenda, with the first task being a name for each regional forum.

Attendees at last week’s forum worked in groups to come up with possible names, which they then presented. After an initial vote saw a tie, another round of voting produced a winner – The Windmills – as suggested by Yvonne from one of our supported living services near Norwich. Yvonne said: “I liked listening to it all and enjoyed what we did, writing ideas on the paper. I’d like to come back and do it all again.”

Andrew is a member of our Norfolk day service, The Maltings, and enjoyed attending the forum. He said: “I was very happy with the agenda and everything that was brought up. I also really liked catching up with Jeanie, who used to come to The Maltings but moved away so I haven’t seen her in years.”

Our remaining regional forums in Hampshire, West Midlands and the East Midlands will be taking place in the coming weeks, so that even more people we support will be able to participate in decision making at FitzRoy.