Gaining Sally’s trust transforms her health - FitzRoy

Gaining Sally’s trust transforms her health

Published: August 30, 2024

Sally’s been a resident at our supported living service in Basingstoke for five years and her journey since joining us has been nothing short of transformative. Sally wouldn’t step outside the building or allow anyone in her flat for the first three years she was with us. But thanks to the dedication of two staff members, Sandra and Caroline, Sally has made tremendous strides, eventually stepping outside and letting them into her flat – a huge step for someone who had shut themselves off entirely.

One of the most pivotal moments in Sally’s progress came when Sandra noticed that Sally was becoming increasingly breathless during short walks. Sandra decided to get a blood pressure machine and showed Sally how it worked by using it on her own arm first. At first, Sally was reluctant; the sensation of the cuff tightening made her uncomfortable. But after a few weeks of gentle encouragement, she allowed Sandra to take a reading, which revealed her blood pressure was dangerously high.

This marked a turning point in Sally’s health journey. With Sandra’s support, she completed a four-day series of readings for her GP, who called for urgent tests. Conquering her anxieties, Sally attended the appointment and underwent an ECG, blood tests, and more. Once on medication for her blood pressure, another challenge arose. Sally would only allow Sandra, Caroline, or Christine, in her flat to give her medication, so they faced a problem on days when none of them were working.

Together, they came up with a solution – Sandra discussed with Sally the importance of taking her medication daily and Sally agreed to meet other staff members at her flat door, a significant step in trusting others. They researched lockable boxes which Sally could keep at her front door to store her medication, which she’s personalised with a plant that she’s really proud of.

After Sally’s initial tests, there was another concern: possible diabetes. Again, after chatting things through with Sandra, Sally is happy to go for another check-up and for further tests.

Sally’s progress didn’t stop with her health. She recently decided she would like to go on a day trip to London and had an amazing time – a huge step for someone who had once been afraid to leave her flat. And when asked about her birthday, Sally said that she’d like a party, which is another first for Sally.

With Sandra’s support, Sally was able to receive a Personal Independence Payment (PIP) that she was entitled to but had not been receiving. Previously, Sally struggled with hoarding and had difficulty maintaining her flat. After being supported to declutter her flat, she used the payment to purchase new furniture and redecorate her space. Her flat now looks wonderful, and she takes great pride in keeping it tidy and clean.

Sally’s transformation is nothing short of remarkable and wouldn’t have been possible without the continuous support of Sandra, Caroline, and the rest of the team. The whole team is incredibly proud of Sally and as she moves forward, we are all excited to see what incredible progress she’ll make next!