Social care staff – putting yourself first - FitzRoy

Social care staff – putting yourself first

Author: FitzRoy
Published: July 3, 2020

This is the final in a series of blogs sharing tips and resources to cope with common issues that our staff tell us they are experiencing during the coronavirus crisis.

This week I wanted to do a round-up of all the topics for emotional health and wellbeing, signposting to some of the best websites that cover the emotions that you may have felt or still be feeling.

These are challenging times and even though the government is taking steps to ease lockdown, the fact remains that there isn’t a vaccine yet. I hear about so many of you focusing all of your energy on the people we support, but we are in this for the long haul.

So perhaps now is the time to take stock, to reflect on how you are feeling at the moment – including everything that you have achieved – and look at the resources and support available for you.

The NHS website Every Mind Matters is a treasure trove of useful information and great resources. It is really worth taking a look.

Covid Minded – the Coronavirus Staff Resilience Hub produced by NHS Health Education England to help frontline staff to manage their mental health and wellbeing.

Mind have reliable information and tips to help you cope during coronavirus. Mind say:

If you’re finding things hard emotionally right now, you’re not alone. We’re here to provide information and support.

The government have also published bereavement resources for social care staff.

The Mental Health Foundation have a wide range of advice and resources relating to coronavirus as well as some great videos and podcasts.

Please take the time out to look after yourselves, and stay safe and healthy. If you are struggling at any time, please ask for help, we are all in this together and it is so important that we all look out for each other.

Kirsty Millward