Stories - FitzRoy


Yes he can!

When everyone was saying "No he can't", Samuel's Mum refused to listen. Blog by Lynne Haslam.

Bursting with pride

When I heard our Drama Group at On Track had been shortlisted for a National Learning Disability Award I felt absolutely overwhelmed, and really happy to get some recognition!

Pride of FitzRoy

Blog by Martin Surgey, Vice Chair of FitzRoy Trustees


How David recovered at FitzRoy The Pastures

David is a well-liked, inquisitive character who enjoys being at the heart of what's going on, whether that is in his home, garden or out in the local area near where he lives.

Running to transform lives

FitzRoy Trafford Day Service are pulling out all the stops and running to transform lives. Sharon, Kat and Christine, three support workers have signed up to the Great Manchester Run, as well as Ollie, a friend of Ramsey, our Deputy Manager at Trafford Day Services.