A right royal celebration - FitzRoy

A right royal celebration

Published: May 6, 2016

Members of The Maltings Day and Community Centre in Norfolk had a right royal tea party for Queen’s 90th birthday. It was all about the preparation, according to Kerensa, Deputy Manager.

Sarah, one of the members at The Maltings, and a member of staff, Sandy, both came to me a couple of days before the Queen’s 90th, brimming with ideas for a party.

I thought it was a brilliant idea, so we got some groups together to start the preparation. Some were making bunting and decorations, and others planned and prepared the buffet and cakes for the tea party.

On the big day The Maltings was buzzing. The morning groups decorated our coffee shop so that when lunchtime hit they were all ready to party!

We all watched the Queen’s parade on the telly while we enjoyed our buffet lunch and then at 2pm it was time for tea and cakes followed by lots of dancing.

All the groups worked really hard and did such a good job decorating and making food, and everyone had so much fun! One of our members, Joe Mildon, enjoyed the cakes and scones so much, he asked if we could have them every day!