Dean, from FitzRoy Newhaven, helps choose a new FitzRoy Director
“On the 21 May I went to Petersfield to help interview for a new Director of Human Resources. It was a very interesting day. We set off fromNewhaven at 8am and arrived at 9.30. We had a coffee, or tea, and at 10am we started the interviews. There were three of us on the panel representing FitzRoy and four candidates. I cannot give names, as I am not allowed to, but after each candidate had been seen we gave feedback. After all the people had been seen one of us stayed behind to give feedback to Anna Galliford, FitzRoyChief Executive. It was a very long day but a very interesting one as I got to meet someone who may end up working for FitzRoy.If anybody has got any stories then let me know as we want to hear from the people that FitzRoy care for. Email, Skype, Facebook, twitter, or tumblr – these are all the ways you can get hold of me. My email address is [email protected].
Hope to hear from you soon, take care, Dean”