New found independence for Alison - FitzRoy

New found independence for Alison

Published: February 24, 2017

Alison, who is supported by FitzRoy in Nottinghamshire, has recently been enjoying more independence with the help of her Support Workers Sarah-Jane and Natalie. Bev Pearson, Community Fundraising Coordinator, told us all about Alison’s wonderful journey.

Alison’s life has been full of lovely activities recently. Not long ago, she visited the Civil War Museum in Newark, where she found out loads of historical facts and even got to dress up in costume.

Alison also tried her hand at knitting at the last FitzRoy Nottinghamshire coffee morning along with a group of other ladies we support and some help from Natalie. She has taken the wool and needles home to carry on with it, so hopefully by next month she will have made lots more progress.

The thing that has made the most difference in Alison’s life, is having the confidence to take the bus. With support, she completed some bus training. Her new found independence means she can now take the bus to join in with activities nearly 10 miles from where she lives.

Thanks to all those who have played a crucial part in supporting Alison on her journey.