“Singing, clapping, and moving to the music.” - FitzRoy

“Singing, clapping, and moving to the music.”

Published: June 9, 2016

This is a great story highlighting how important independence and choice is for people with disabilities. The people we support need to enjoy those things many of us take for granted; nights out to sing, clap, and dance. FitzRoy Support Workers put independence and choice at the heart of their work and always try and make these experiences possible. Peggy Neale from FitzRoy Wensum Way, in Norfolk, had a fantastic evening out to see her favourite singer Russel Watson.

In her words

What a brilliant evening I had with my support worker Anna Barker. We travelled to Kings Lynn from Fakenham. We were lucky enough to be able to change where we were sitting, being offered fantastic seats in front of the stage right in front of where Russell Watson was standing.

I had a brilliant time singing clapping and moving to the music. My Support Worker helped me buy a few things to remind me of the night. I bought a program with lovely photos in it, a DVD, and a CD.
Peggy Neale

To find out more about how FitzRoy values independence for people with learning disabilities read our services pages.