Tubby’s best GP experience blows staff away - FitzRoy

Tubby’s best GP experience blows staff away

Published: September 25, 2020

Alex, or ‘Tubby’ as he is known at Donec Mews, our registered care home in Hampshire has always felt very anxious going to medical appointments. However, thanks to the hard work of support workers Veronica and Jeff, Tubby overcame his nerves at his GP health check last week, and left feeling happier than ever before.

Veronica and Jeff work closely with Tubby and attend most of his medical appointments with him. Tubby has lived at Donec Mews for five years, and with the help of Veronica and Jeff and the support and reassurance they have provided, last week he made a breakthrough with his anxiety. Veronica said: “Tubby has always been anxious around any kind of health visits, and support worker Jeff and myself normally support him on the check ups to make sure he feels comfortable with the routine.

“Before this visit I called the surgery to request a doctor that Tubby was used to, although he isn’t the regular GP for Donec Mews. When it came to the day of the check up, Alex really blew me away. He wasn’t quiet like usual, he was chatting away and was even chatting to the doctor which he never does.

“When we got to the surgery he was happy, chatty, and not showing any signs of being anxious. Tubby was called to the doctor’s room, where he would normally start to get agitated. He greeted the doctor directly and he even high-fived him, which is very out of character!”

“The doctor did all observations that need to be done and also managed a blood test which would normally make him very anxious and angry with all staff and the doctor.

“We made sure to hold his hand to make it as comfortable and reassuring as possible, and worked with the GP to make sure everything went smoothly. I couldn’t believe what a positive experience it was I went back and called his mum straight away to tell her how proud of him I am.”

Carol, Tubby’s mum, said: “The care Alex receives from Veronica and Jeff at Donec Mews is exemplary. Since he has lived at Donec he has progressed light years, he has gone from needing to be sedated for dental work to just needing to hold Veronica’s hand, he’s the happiest he’s ever been. Our house is home to Alex, but Donec Mews is his home too. On his first ever day he asked the staff to call him Tubby!

“During the pandemic it has been difficult for him not to come home every six weeks like he would usually, but I am confident that he is being looked after extremely well. Veronica and Jeff are so in tune with Alex and his every need.”