Gender Pay Reporting - FitzRoy

Gender Pay Reporting

Gender Pay Reporting 2024


The Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017 (the “Regulations”) require employers to report on the gender pay gap in their organisation.

The Regulations apply to larger private and voluntary sector employers. Their stated aim is to help reduce the ongoing pay gap between men and women in the workplace.

Employers must publish six figures:

  • their mean and median hourly pay gap;
  • their mean and median bonus pay gap;
  • the proportions of men and women receiving bonuses;
  • the number of men and women in each of four pay quartiles.

This is done by using the data for the pay period which includes the “snapshot date” of 5 April. The figures must be published on an annual basis, with reports being produced on or before 4 April based on a 5 April snapshot date.

A negative result would show that women are paid more than men, a positive result would show that men are paid more than women.

The Mean Gender Pay Gap

This shows the difference between the mean (average) hourly rate of pay that male and female employees receive.

In 2024 our Mean Gender Pay Gap is -0.92%, on average male employees earn slightly less than female employees. This has increased from -7.71% in 2023. This is not surprising given that around 85% of management/senior management positions are held by women.

This is again highlighted by looking at the mean hourly pay gap split by full time and part time staff.

Full time employees only – -7.49% (decreased from -4.46% in 2023)

Part-time employees only – 0.81% (decreased from -0.66% in 2023)

The result for full time employees is largely driven by the number of women in management and senior management roles who are in the main full time. The hourly rates of pay for part-time work tend to be lower than for full-time work and, with such a high percentage of women working part-time, has this year resulted in an increased pay gap.

The Median Gender Pay Gap

This shows the difference between the median hourly rate of pay that male and female employees receive. The median is the mid-point when all the hourly rates are listed in numerical order. This can be helpful to show what a “typical” rate is, without being distorted by very large or very small hourly rates.

Our Median Gender Pay Gap is 0.00%, an increase from -1.68% in 2023.

We have also compared the median gender pay gap for full time employee and part time employees independently.

Full time employees only – -1.40% (decreased from 0% in 2023)

Part time employees only 2.07% (increased from -1.88% in 2023)

The Proportion of Males and Females in each Quartile Pay Band

This requires us to calculate how many male and female employees are in each quartile when hourly rates are arranged in numerical order.

This will allow us to compare the distribution of male and female employees within each quartile and across the organisation as a whole.

There has been little movement in terms of our distribution of female and male employees across the quartile pay bands. This distribution is consistent with gender split of our organisation, with just under 80% of employees being female.

Gender Bonus Gap

The regulations request that we report on the distribution of bonus payments. Bonuses are defined as anything that relates to profit sharing, productivity, performance, incentive and commission. The vast majority of bonus payments that were made in the reference period were in relation to either the FitzRoy Standards Bonus for Operational Staff, or our loyalty bonus, where employees are awarded a monetary sum on reaching 10 years’ service, and every 5 years thereafter.

Mean Bonus Gender Pay Gap


Median Bonus Gender Pay Gap


Proportion of Males/Females receiving a bonus payment

Male                70.62%

Female             75.53%