Stories - FitzRoy


First trip outside in 10 years

Nicky, a 59-year-old gentleman that FitzRoy supports at the Lambs supported living in Basingstoke, had not been outside in 10 years. Then last week his support worker managed to persuade him to take a trip to the local shops

I have a huge feeling of job satisfaction

Service Manager of FitzRoy Trafford Day and Community Service, Chris Hughes, started her journey with us as a Support Worker over ten years ago. Chris shared what she loves about her job.

Making new experiences possible

Staff at The Maltings Day and Community service in Norfolk found out about a unique experience at a climbing wall and instantly thought of Kurt, who they support. Kerensa Palmer, Service Manager, told us more.

Love was in the air at Love4Life’s Valentine’s ball

Members of Love4Life, FitzRoy’s friendship and dating project for people with learning disabilities and autism, got together to celebrate love at their Valentine’s ball. Hayley Ostler, Love4Life Coordinator told us all about the event.

Members of Love4Life try rock climbing at Rock Up

Ten members of Love4Life, FitzRoy’s friendship and dating project for people with learning disabilities and autism, went to Rock Up climbing centre in Whiteley to see if they had what it takes to conquer climbing walls! Hayley Ostler, Love4Life Coordinator, told us more.