Stories - FitzRoy


New found confidence and independence

Bev Pearson, FitzRoy’s Community and Fundraising Coordinator in Nottinghamshire, has been busy with a brand new social engagement project. The project gets the people we support in Nottingham together to build relationships, gain confidence, and learn new skills. Bev told us about Sophie, who has a new found independence.

Celebrating a bright career as a Support Worker

We celebrate the fantastic people that work for FitzRoy. Kerensa Palmer, Deputy Manager, wanted to celebrate Bethany, who came to The Maltings Day and Community Service on work experience. Bethany loved her experience so much, she decided to choose being a Support Worker as a career and continue transforming lives.


Ride London – go team FitzRoy

On 31 July we will be cheering all the way as our team of 40 brave cyclists take on the challenge of Ride London for FitzRoy

Volunteering: “His enthusiasm is invaluable”

Many of our volunteers have had successful careers of their own but at some stage in their life, find themselves with time on their hands and all kinds of skills and experiences to share.

Supported volunteering helped Sandra give back

Sandra Larkin lives in FitzRoy Supported Living in Selby, and has had to deal with a lot of changes in her life within the last few years. Linda Lindop, FitzRoy Volunteer Coordinator, explains how a supported volunteering opportunity arose from Sandra’s difficult time.

How volunteering has kept Marcus safe

Marcus started volunteering for FitzRoy in Malvern in 2014. Fitzroy supports Marcus in his own home a few days a week. With spare time on his hands, he was looking for something else that would get him out and about while learning some new skills.