Stories - FitzRoy


How volunteering has kept Marcus safe

Marcus started volunteering for FitzRoy in Malvern in 2014. Fitzroy supports Marcus in his own home a few days a week. With spare time on his hands, he was looking for something else that would get him out and about while learning some new skills.

What’s a microbiologist doing at FitzRoy Trafford?

Sue is one of our fantastic volunteer’s at FitzRoy Trafford Day and Community Centre who leads a cookery class once a week for three and a half hours for the people we support. Here’s her story.

FitzRoy staff are fantastic fundraisers!

We are incredibly proud of Lou Macmillan, Deputy Manager at FitzRoy Rural Skills, who pushed herself to her limit to run the London marathon and raise money for people with learning disabilities. Find out what kept her going, even on rainy days

Love4Life members danced the night away

Love4Life, our friendship and dating service in Fareham, have a variety of exciting events every month for their members. This month saw Hayley Ostler, Love4Life Coordinator, teach a salsa class. Hayley revealed to us that she’s also a trained dance teacher!

A right royal celebration

Members of The Maltings Day and Community Centre in Norfolk had a right royal tea party for Queen’s 90th birthday. It was all about the preparation, according to Kerensa, Deputy Manager.