Safeguarding policy - FitzRoy

Safeguarding policy

So that every person we support can live their life free from abuse, exploitation, fear of aggression and/or violence.

Safeguarding policy

One of the most important principles of safeguarding is that it is everyone’s responsibility. Each professional and organisation must do everything they can to ensure that adults at risk are protected from abuse, harm and neglect.

A vulnerable adult is someone aged 18 or over who is unable to protect themselves from being exploited. This may be because of a mental health problem, disability, frailty or dementia.

Every person we support at FitzRoy is a vulnerable adult.

Adults at risk – refers to anyone aged 18 or over who is at risk of abuse, harm or neglect because of their needs of care and/or support and are unable to safeguard themselves.  Every person we support at FitzRoy is an adult at risk.

Safeguarding is how we protect their health, wellbeing and human rights, and enable them to live free from harm, abuse or neglect. It is fundamental to high-quality health and social care and enables each person to live free from fear and harm and have their rights and choices respected.