Stories - FitzRoy


There are no boundaries when you set your mind to something

Everyone at FitzRoy Leo Trust is bursting with pride after an amazing theatre debut for some of the residents. Justine May, Deputy Manager, told us how their unforgettable journey to the stage unfolded with the help of an old friend of Leo Trust.

Why fundraise for FitzRoy?

When you fundraise for FitzRoy, you are helping us to make all the difference in people's lives. These are just a few examples of how

An unexpected encounter in Uckfield

Niels, who we support in Uckfield, came across something you wouldn’t expect when you pop out for your weekly shop. Mark Coleman, FitzRoy Uckfield Deputy Manager, told us how am ordinary shopping trip turned into something extraordinary.

New found confidence and independence

Bev Pearson, FitzRoy’s Community and Fundraising Coordinator in Nottinghamshire, has been busy with a brand new social engagement project. The project gets the people we support in Nottingham together to build relationships, gain confidence, and learn new skills. Bev told us about Sophie, who has a new found independence.

Celebrating a bright career as a Support Worker

We celebrate the fantastic people that work for FitzRoy. Kerensa Palmer, Deputy Manager, wanted to celebrate Bethany, who came to The Maltings Day and Community Service on work experience. Bethany loved her experience so much, she decided to choose being a Support Worker as a career and continue transforming lives.


Ride London – go team FitzRoy

On 31 July we will be cheering all the way as our team of 40 brave cyclists take on the challenge of Ride London for FitzRoy