Stories - FitzRoy


Crochet brings joy for Charlie

Charlie has not only found a sense of joy and pride in making her beautiful crochet blankets, she has also found a way to her improve her anxiety.

Love4Life to perform This Is Us!

FitzRoy’s Love4Life friendship and dating service is a hub for creativity, laughter and self-expression ingredients which have all been put into their summer show This Is Us.

Silver Birches residents get a new home and a new community

We strive to ensure that the people we support are a part of their community. Now, with a newly built state-of-the-art care home opening in Teddington next month, that’s exactly what our residents at Silver Birches will be.

Making a splash!

Bryan, in his early 80’s, has proved you are never too old to try new things as he has gone swimming for the first time in his life.